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Huge List of Texting Chat Abbreviations. Main Quick Reference. Updated October 1. Posted March 0. 1, 2. Crack Nfs U 2' title='Crack Nfs U 2' />If you are experiencing problems unpacking the. RAR. ACE files make sure to use the latest 7Zip or WinRAR as older versions of WinACE, WinRAR WinZIP will. Hey guys and girls. But the ANS That change the crack done, REINSTALL 15 Times. EA SPORTS FIFA 18 and Need for Speed Payback Bundle. Bundle. PS4. Need for Speed Shift 2 Unleashed Crack CD key Download Game for Free Work 2013. By Vangie Beal. From A3 to ZZZ this guide lists 1,5. With the popularity and rise in use of online text based communications came the emergence of a new texting language, tailored to the immediacy and compactness of these new communication media. Today, text and chat abbreviations are used in many of the following online communications Facebook, Twitter, instant messaging, email, online gaming services, chat rooms and discussion boards. Text abbreviations and emoticons are also popular when people send messages on mobile phones. Top 1. 0 Text Abbreviations. According to search query data the following five text abbreviations are the most requested chat definitions ROFL means Rolling on floor laughing. STFU means Shut the freakup. Crack Nfs U 2' title='Crack Nfs U 2' />LMK means Let me know. ILY means I love you. GTG means Got to go. SMH means Shaking my head. Hello, fellow Splatoon fans. Im writing to you today, just a bit ahead of Splatfest, to remind you that you definitely do not need to use motion controls when you. Crack Nfs U 2' title='Crack Nfs U 2' />You need to download a download client to make your downloading more easier. If you do not have one we provide it here for free. Torrent Downloader is one. LMFAO means Laughing my freaking off. NVM means Never mind. IKR means I know, right. OFC means Of course. Huge List of Text and Chat Abbreviations. While it does seem incredible that there are thousands of text abbreviations, keep in mind that different chat abbreviations are used by different groups of people. For example, online gamers are likely to use text abbreviations not used by a financial blogger. Most people will only know a dozen or so general text abbreviations and a few more that are used by people with similar interests online. Recommended Reading Learn more in Webopedias related chat guides Smiley Faces and Emoticons and the Twitter Chat Dictionary. To keep our chat guide user friendly for all ages, some inappropriate words have been edited to include an alternate meaning. These words are marked with around the word which has been switched e. To navigate this lengthy guide, you can scroll through our list of 1,5. Text Messaging Chat Abbreviations Numbers Characters I have a question I dont understand what you mean UI have a question for you SGentle warning, like Hmm What did you sayMeaning read line or read message abovelt 3. Meaning sideways heart love, friendshiplt 3. Meaning broken heartlt 3. Meaning heart or love more 3s is a bigger heartTEOTDAt the end of the day. Tomtom Gps Update Hack more. My or your two cents worth. TG, 2. TGMeaning number of items needed for win online gaming1. UPMeaning extra life online gaming1. One to one private chat initiation1. Leet, meaning elite1. I love you. 14. 32. I love you too. 14. AA4. 1One for all, and all for one. I hate you. 19. Zero hand online gaming1. MTen man online gaming1. XThanks. 10. QThank you. CEOnce. 1DRI wonder. Gta Burn Game Free Download For Windows 7. NAMOne in a million. Meaning to in SMS2. Meaning location2. BTo be. 2EZToo easy. G2. BTToo good to be true. M2. HToo much too handle. MIToo much information. MORTomorrow. 2MOROTomorrow. M2. HToo much to handle. N8. Tonight. 2NTETonight. Short for for in SMS4. Meaning information4. I dont know. 41. Meaning information4. Lets get high. 42. Meaning Marijuana4. Means I love you ILY is 4. AOFor adults only. COLFor crying out loud. EAEForever and ever 4. EVAForever. 4NRForeigner 5. High five. 51. 1Too much information more than 4. Sobbing, crying. Mandarin Chinese txt msgs5. Crying your eyes out Mandarin Chinese txt msgs5. Meaning Laughing In Thai language the number 5 is pronounced ha. YSexy. 7KSick. 81. Meaning Hells Angels H8th letter of alphabet, A1st letter of alphabet8. I love you 8 letters, 3 words, 1 meaning8. Over. 88. Bye bye Mandarin Chinese txt msgs 8. Hugs and kisses. 9Parent is watching Meaning smile Meaning wink A Text Message Chat Abbreviations A3. Anytime, anywhere, anyplace. AAAlcoholics Anonymous. AAAs above. AAAsk about. AAFAs a matter of fact. AAFAs a friend. AAKAsleep at keyboard. AAKAlive and kicking. AAMOFAs a matter of fact. AAMOIAs a matter of interest. AAPAlways a pleasure. AARAt any rate. AASAlive and smiling. AASHTAAs always, Sheldon has the answer Bike mechanic Sheldon BrownAATKAlways at the keyboard. AAYFAs always, your friend. ABBRMeaning abbreviation. ABCAlready been chewed. ABDAlready been done. ABTAbout. ABT2. Meaning About toABTAMeaning Good bye signoffABUAll bugged up. ACAcceptable content. ACCAnyone can come. ACDALT CONTROL DELETEACDNTAccident e mail, GovernmentACEMeaning marijuana cigarette. ACKAcknowledge. ACPTAccept e mail, GovernmentACQSTNAcquisition e mail, GovernmentADADAnother day, another dollar. ADBBAll done, bye bye. ADDAddress. ADDYAddress. ADIHAnother day in hell. ADIPAnother day in paradise. ADMINAdministrator. ADMINRAdministrator GovernmentADNAny day now. ADRAddress. AEArea effect online gamingAEAPAs early as possible. AFApril Fools. AFAs reakFAggression factor online gamingAFCAway from computer. AFAIAAAs far as I am aware. AFAICAs far as I am concerned. AFAIKAs far as I know. AFAIUIAs far as I understand it. AFAPAs far as possible. AFFAAngels Forever, Forever Angels. AFJApril Fools joke. AFKAway from keyboard. AFZAcronym Free Zone. AFPOEA fresh pair of eyes. AGIMeaning agility online gamingAHAt home. AIAMUAnd I am a moneys uncle. AIGHTAlright. AIRAs I remember. AISBAs it should be. AISBAs I said before. AISIAs I see it. AITRAdult in the room. AKAAlso known as. ALCONAll concerned. ALOLActually laughing out loud. AMAAsk me anything RedditAMAPAs much as possible. AMBWAll my best wishes. AMLAll my love. AMOFAs a matter of fact. ANAuthors note. AOAnarchy Online online gamingAOCAvailable on cell. AOEArea of effect online gameAOMAge of majority. AOMAge of Mythology online gamingAOTAAll of the above. AOYPAngel on your pillow. APACAll praise and credit. APPApplication. APPAppreciate. AQAPAs quick or quiet as possible. ARCArchive compressed filesAREAcronym rich environment. ARGArgument. ASIGAnd so it goes. ASAPAs soon as possible. ASLAgesexlocation. ASLAgesexlocation. ASLAAgesexlocationavailability. ATAt your terminal. ATBAll the best. ATEOTDAt the end of the day. ATMAt the moment. ATSITSAll the stars in the sky. ATSLAlong the same line or linesAWCAfter awhile crocodile. AWESOAwesome. AWOLAway without leaving. AWOLAbsent without leave. AYDYAre you done yet AYBABTUAll your base are belong to us online gamingAYECAt your earliest convenience. AYORAt your own risk. AYSOSAre you stupid or something AYSAre you serious AYTAre you there AYTMTBAnd youre telling me this because. AYVAre you vertical AYWAs you were. AYWAs you want As you wish. AZNAsianB Text Message Chat Abbreviations. BBack. BBe. B Banned. B2. BBusiness to business. B2. CBusiness to consumer. B2. WBack to work. B8. Bait person teased or joked with, or under aged personteenB9. Boss is watching. BFBoyfriend. BGBackground personal information requestB4. Before. B4. NBye for now. BAGBusting a gut. BABad BAEBefore anyone else. BAEMeaning Babe or baby. BAFOBest and final offer. BAKBack at keyboard. BAMBelow average mentality. BAMFBad mother BAOBe aware of. BASBig butt smile. BASORBreathing a sigh of relief. BAUBusiness as usual. BAYBack at ya. BBBe back. BBBig brother. BBBebi Baby Spanish SMSBBCBig bad challenge. BBIABBe back in a bit. BBIAFBe back in a few. BBIAMBe back in a minute. BBIASBe back in a sec. BBLBe back later. BBNBye, bye now. BBQBarbeque, Ownage, shooting scorefrag online gamingBBSBe back soon. BBTBe back tomorrow. BCBecause. BCBecause. BCBe cool. BCNUBe seeing you. BCOSBecause. BCOBig crush on. BCOYBig crush on you. BDBig deal. BDAYBirthday. B DAYBirthday. BDNBig darn number. BEGBig evil grin.