Google Search Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Google Search or Google Web Search is a web search engine owned by Google Inc. World Wide Web. 3 Google receives several hundred million queries each day through its various services. The main purpose of Google Search is to hunt for text in webpages, as opposed to other data, such as with Google Image Search. Create and publish bookstorequality books with free software for PC or Mac. Then sell your book in the Blurb bookstore. Comments Download Free Sanskrit Books from Digital Library of India 472 Comments. Google search was originally developed by Larry Page and Sergey Brin in 1. Google Search provides at least 2. These include synonyms, weather forecasts, time zones, stock quotes, maps, earthquake data, movie showtimes, airports, home listings, and sports results. Devanagari script vowels top, consonants bottom in Chandas font. We provide excellent essay writing service 247. 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Google Search provides many options for customized search see below Search options, using Boolean operators such as exclusion xx, inclusion xx, alternatives xx OR yy, and wildcard x x. Template Joomla 2.5 For University. Googles rise to success was in large part due to a patentedalgorithm called Page. Rank that helps rank web pages that match a given search string. Previous keyword based methods of ranking search results, used by many search engines that were once more popular than Google, would rank pages by how often the search terms occurred in the page, or how strongly associated the search terms were within each resulting page. The Page. Rank algorithm instead analyses human generated links, assuming that web pages linked from many important pages are themselves likely to be important. The algorithm computes a recursive score for pages, based on the weighted sum of the Page. Ranks of the pages linking to them. Page. Rank is thought to correlate well with human concepts of importance. In addition to Page. Rank, Google over the years has added many other secret criteria for determining the ranking of pages on result lists, reported to be over 2. The details are kept secret due to spammers and in order to maintain an advantage over Googles competitors. The exact percentage of the total of web pages that Google indexes is not known, as it is very hard to actually calculate. Google not only indexes and caches web pages but also takes snapshots of other file types, which include PDF, Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, Flash SWF, plain text files, and so on. Except in the case of text and SWF files, the cached version is a conversion to XHTML, allowing those without the corresponding viewer application to read the file. Users can customize the search engine, by setting a default language, using the Safe. Search filtering technology and set the number of results shown on each page. I/51pWVaY-ZJL.jpg' alt='Hindi English Typing Book Pdf' title='Hindi English Typing Book Pdf' />Google has been criticized for placing long term cookies on users machines to store these preferences, a tactic which also enables them to track a users search terms and retain the data for more than a year. For any query, up to the first 1. The ability to specify the number of results is available only if Instant Search is not enabled. If Instant Search is enabled, only 1. Despite its immense index, there is also a considerable amount of data available in online databases which are accessible by means of queries but not by links. This so called invisible or deep Web is minimally covered by Google and other search engines. The deep Web contains library catalogs, official legislative documents of governments, phone books, and other content which is dynamically prepared to respond to a query. Privacy in some countries forbids the showing of some links. For instance in Switzerland any individual can force Google Inc. Since Google is the most popular search engine, many webmasters have become eager to influence their websites Google rankings. An industry of consultants has arisen to help websites increase their rankings on Google and on other search engines. This field, called search engine optimization, attempts to discern patterns in search engine listings, and then develop a methodology for improving rankings to draw more searchers to their clients sites. Search engine optimization encompasses both on page factors like body copy, title elements, H1 heading elements and image alt attribute values and Off Page Optimization factors like anchor text and Page. Rank. The general idea is to affect Googles relevance algorithm by incorporating the keywords being targeted in various places on page, in particular the title element and the body copy note the higher up in the page, presumably the better its keyword prominence and thus the ranking. Too many occurrences of the keyword, however, cause the page to look suspect to Googles spam checking algorithms. Google has published guidelines for website owners who would like to raise their rankings when using legitimate optimization consultants. Google search consists of a series of localized websites. The largest of those, the google. Some of its features include a definition link for most searches including dictionary words, the number of results you got on your search, links to other searches e. Google believes to be misspelled, it provides a link to the search results using its proposed spelling, and many more. Googles search engine normally accepts queries as a simple text, and breaks up the users text into a sequence of search terms, which will usually be words that are to occur in the results, but one can also use Boolean operators, such as quotations marks for a phrase, a prefix such as, for qualified terms, or one of several advanced operators, such as site. The webpages of Google Search Basics describe each of these additional queries and options see below Search options. Googles Advanced Search web form gives several additional fields which may be used to qualify searches by such criteria as date of first retrieval. All advanced queries transform to regular queries, usually with additional qualified terms. Google applies query expansion to the submitted search query, transforming it into the query that will actually be used to retrieve results. As with page ranking, the exact details of the algorithm Google uses are deliberately obscure, but certainly the following transformations are among those that occur Term reordering in information retrieval this is a standard technique to reduce the work involved in retrieving results. This transformation is invisible to the user, since the results ordering uses the original query order to determine relevance. Stemming is used to increase search quality by keeping small syntactic variants of search terms. There is a limited facility to fix possible misspellings in queries. Googles homepage includes a button labeled Im Feeling Lucky. When a user clicks on the button the user will be taken directly to the first search result, bypassing the search engine results page. The thought is that if a user is feeling lucky, the search engine will return the perfect match the first time without having to page through the search results. According to a study by Tom Chavez of Rapt, this feature costs Google 1. On October 3. 0, 2. Im Feeling Lucky button was removed from Googles main page, along with the regular search button.