Home ISHA NLS SHOPMasterclass Metapathia GR Hunter 4. D Vector. The best thing to do You will get 4 hours of one on one training by teamviewer,so no hidden secrets and all your questions will be answered. PwrShot1.jpg' alt='Radionics Software Program' title='Radionics Software Program' />Rife 1. Frequency Machine Testimonials Rife Machine User Testimonials True Stories TO SEARCH FOR YOUR CONDITION OR SYMPTOMhit CtrlF keys for the Find box, type your condition, then hit ENTERBack Pain Hey, I just wanted to let you know that my mom has been using the machine and is finding it VERY useful for her back She has had severe back pain for 1. Radionics Software Program' title='Radionics Software Program' />She is using the backdisc program and said that her back feels so much better She said she can still feel a bit of discomfort, but not any real pain. Im am soooooo happy about this She is in her early 7. Just wanted to share. Hi, michelle, as you ask whether Spooky2 can help cerebral palsy, we have cerebral palsy program in our software. This is the testimonials we receive from our users. An introduction and sales pitch to mind machines technology based on orgone and radionics, theories, uses, the new Welz Chi Generators orgone generators. An introduction to mind machines technology based on orgone and radionics, theories, uses, the new Welz Chi Generators orgone generators. Features. Now supports internet TCPIP communication. Requires IP150internet module. Program access codes and settings of all users in a EVO48or EVO192system. Dawn G. Back Disc Problems My wife says that the Disk Program works wonders on her Spine. Erlend H, AKFlu Virus I work in a clinic with 1. Sensor Source Book SummerFall 2015 3D Scan IT, Inc ROYAL OAK, MI 48067. Contact name Robert Squier. Phone 248 5455399 URL www. A few weeks ago, everyone came down with a severe viral flu including symptoms of extreme nausea, diarrhea, high fever, and hallucinations. One person nearly died, and a child in our town did die from the virus. I remained perfectly healthy even though I worked with them every day. Alex W, OREye Problems, Blurred Vision, Optic Nerve Damage, Cataract, Droozen yellow spots on retina, Devics Disease Neuromyelitis Optica Autoimmune Disease of Optic Nerve, Scaling Skin dry skin, scaley skin, Muscle Cramps Hi Tina Ive been using the Rife 1. Radionics Software Program' title='Radionics Software Program' />Radionics Software ProgramEnergy System for about a week now. Thought I would give you an update. First, just after using it the first night, the next moring I got up without pain, just a bit achey, but no pain like I have every morningI have used your custom EYE program three times and it has restored my vision in my right eye, not 1. I can see myself in the mirror. I havent been able to see for years. I have optic nerve damage, a cataract and droozen, which are yellow spots on the retina. Together they all blur the vision and interfere with my vision in my left eye. Many of the other programs work just as well. As the night fell, immediate spasm attacks to the hands. This occurs everytime I get back after a long journey. One, they setup the homebase for these attacks. AlarmsBC presents free user manuals, alarm user manuals, security user manuals, alarm systems, how to operate alarm system, alarm documentation, ademco, caddx, dsc. Su2PWSEEb8E/hqdefault.jpg' alt='Radionics Software Program' title='Radionics Software Program' />It is simply amazing what it is doing I ran the EYE program for 1 minute per frequency the first time, then for the full 3 minutes per frequency the other two times. Ill keep running this program every few days. Spore Free Full Download. I placed the small sticky pad electrodes on my temples. Im so thrilled, that, if I could, Id hug and kiss you right over the phone ADDED 8 1. Seems like every time I do the eye program it gets better Its also cleared up a few other things so far I broke my left arm when I was young and the skin on that area was just never right. Its scaley, and, since Im not as young as I used to be, the skin is thin so when these scales pull off, its a bit raw. Since Ive been running the Rife 1. Also, when I go to bed and lie down, the bottoms of my feet cramp. They twist over to one side and I also get cramps in the calf muscles of my right let. Every night. Well, since using the Rife 1. GONE Its been a week of amazing miracles Thank you so much Rife. July 2. DRT, OK 8 5 1. Chemical Detoxification, Constipation, Bladder Infection Ive had my Rife 1. I use it all the time for detox, as Im a hairdresser and I know all those chemicals get in me. Ive used it for so many issues over the years, even constipation. I came down with a bladder infection and used the program for 3. I didnt have to take medication I love that machine, and I call it my doctor. I tell everyone about it, and some people call it voodoo, but I know it works Rife 1. C. Preston, TX 42. General Health, Kidneys, Circulation, Breathing, Eyes Im doing well, thanks most especially to the Rife Machine best Life saving gift ever that my Mom gave me. I use it constantly, everyday, mainly to keep my heart strong but also for my kidneys, circulation, breathing, eyes, oh so many things that it has truly helped me with. I use it when I go to sleep at night and also during the day when I am working at the computer for long periods of time. Over the years, it has become one if my most prized possessions So many, many thanks. Wish my family and friends, whom I am sure would benefit from it also would just listen to me. They keep wondering how I do it, my doctor also, well duh, I am trying to inform you Sending you a hug Tina. Rife 1. 01 user since April 2. E. Valdes, TX 9 2. Flu, Influenza, Stomach Issues A friend of mine had been sick for about 4 weeks and in the hospital 2 weeks with bad flu and stomach issues. She was released from the hospital, back in the hospital, released again, and still sick. I set her up on 2 programs the Flu and Stomach Disorder. She was better that night and out dancing the next day Rife 1. Dawn R., FLFlu I used the Rife Model 1. FluInfluenza and after just 2 treatments, one each day in a row, I felt better. Dawn R., FLInfluenza, Cold, Cough, Migraines, Customer Service Hi Tina, Im Mindy and my mom got me the Rife 1. Energy System. I wanted to thank you for sending Mom the influenza program on New Years EveI immediately ran the two influenza programs and the basic detox program. That night I slept Yay First good nights sleep in two weeks and only coughed once all night instead of several hours of coughing in a row. Its been a couple of days now and even my nose has cleared up now. No more sniffles and constant blowing. I know I should have been on the tail end of the influenza but I really believe these programs significantly helped these last few nagging symptoms. Im going to continue these programs for a few more days before I tackle my migraines. Thanks for your awesome product supportI am so thankful Mom got me the machine M. Mc. Donald, MN 1 3 1. Colds, Lungs, Asthma, Laryngitis, Cancer, Sinus Tina, thank you for all the information that you gave me. Since I have had my machine in October 2. We have not suffered with colds this year and my mom has not had problems with her lungs. She usually gets laryngitis or a bad chest cold. She also has asthma but that hasnt seemed to bother her since we keep her on Sparky my pro wave 1. Thats the name I gave it. Lol I have seen how much good it has done with friends and family. My dear friends husband has had a bout with incurable cancer Apendiceal Mucinous Neoplasm. My friend was telling me that they would have to operate on the abdomen by opening it up and scraping it. They didnt perform that procedure here in Utah so he would have had to have gone out of state. They sent him home to die. When he got the news, he was very distraught. It was as though his whole world blew up in one day. He was given three months to live and now hes been alive for 8 months. He also suffers with a very bad sinus infection this time each winter that is very painful. Along with his supplements and the help of sparky, he is doing great I just want everyone to know that they do not have to suffer with their ailments. I love my machine and I want you to know that it is doing much good and offering more hope to people here in Utah. In my little corner of the world. Thank you Sincerely with much love and gratitudeJ. Simonu, UT 3 2. Joint Pain, Hearing Loss, Heart, Eyes, Glands, Concussion, Broken Bone, Bruised Kidney, Hepatitis First of all, Id like to attribute my good health to God, and secondly, to the RIFE machine which I purchased about two years ago. Although I had no serious health problems, my purpose in having purchased the Rife Model 1. I also felt it would benefit me in helping to eliminate some of the joint pain I was having. My objectives were met.