Tm2 Weather File Format
Date time in Qt. In this part of the Qt. C programming tutorial, we will talk about. Qt. 4 has QDate, QTime, and QDate. Time. classes to work with date and time. The QDate is a class for working with a calendar date in the Gregorian. It has methods for determining the date, comparing, or manipulating dates. The QTime class works with a clock time. It provides methods for comparing. The QDate. Time is a class that combines both QDate and QTime. Initialising date time objects. Date and time objects can be initialised in two basic ways. We initialise. them in the object constructor or we can create empty objects and. QText. Stream. QDate. QTime. QText. Stream outstdout. QDate dt. 12. 01. The date is lt lt dt. String lt lt endl. Date2. 01. 5, 3, 3. The date is lt lt dt. String lt lt endl. QTime tm. 11. 7, 3. The time is lt lt tm. Stringhh mm ss. HMS1. The time is lt lt tm. Stringhh mm ss. We initialise date and time object in both ways. Date and time in Qt4. In this part of the Qt4 C programming tutorial, we will talk about time and date. Tm2 Weather File Format' title='Tm2 Weather File Format' />QDate dt. The QDate object constructor takes three parameters the. The date is lt lt dt. String lt lt endl. The date is printed to the console. Tm2 Weather File Format' title='Tm2 Weather File Format' />Kilauea Mount Etna Mount Yasur Mount Nyiragongo and Nyamuragira Piton de la Fournaise Erta Ale. Firstly, TC or TVC From Television Centres earliest days it was known throughout the BBC as TC. Hence the studio numbers TC1, TC2 etc. The solar resource and meteorological data in a SAM weather file may have been developed from ground measurements, data from a satellite, or a combination of the two. Note to readers of the NCO User Guide in HTML format The NCO User Guide in PDF format also on SourceForge contains the complete NCO documentation. We use the to. String. HMS1. 3, 5. 2, 4. An empty QTime object is created. We fill the object with data. HMS method. The parameters are the hours, minutes. The time is lt lt tm. Stringhh mm ss. We print the QTime object to the console. C9A0982F.jpg' alt='Tm2 Weather File Format' title='Tm2 Weather File Format' />We use a specific format that. The date is Sun Apr 1. The date is Tue Mar 3 2. The time is 1. 7 3. The time is 1. 3 5. Current date time. In the following example, we print the current local time and. The-interface-design-of-the-source-file.jpg' alt='Tm2 Weather File Format' title='Tm2 Weather File Format' />QText. Stream. QTime. include lt QDate. QText. Stream outstdout. QDate cd QDate current. Date. QTime ct QTime current. Time. out lt lt Current date is lt lt cd. String lt lt endl. Current time is lt lt ct. String lt lt endl. Watch out that the file must not be called time. QDate cd QDate current. Date. The QDate current. Date static function returns the current date. Noregistration upload of files up to 250MB. Not available in some countries. Download the free trial version below to get started. Doubleclick the downloaded file to install the software. QTime ct QTime current. Time. The QTime current. Time static function returns the current time. Current date is lt lt cd. String lt lt endl. Current time is lt lt ct. String lt lt endl. We use the to. String method to convert the date and time. Current date is Wed Oct 1. Current time is 1. Comparing dates. Relational operators can be used to compare dates. We can compare their position in the calendar. QText. Stream. QDate. QText. Stream outstdout. QDate dt. 12. 01. QDate dt. 22. 01. String lt lt comes before. String lt lt endl. String lt lt comes after. String lt lt endl. The example compares two dates. QDate dt. 12. 01. QDate dt. 22. 01. We have two different dates. String lt lt comes before. String lt lt endl. String lt lt comes after. String lt lt endl. We compare the dates with a lower than lt comparison operator and. Sun Apr 5 2. 01. 5 comes after Sat Apr 5 2. Comparison operators can be easily used for QTime and QDate. Time. Determining a leap year. Epson Stylus 4450 Printer Driver. A leap year is a year containing an additional day. The reason for an extra day. The calendar year has exactly 3. Sun, is 3. 65. 2. The difference is 6 hours which means that in four years time we are missing one day. Because we want to have our calendar synchronised with the seasons, we add one. February each four years. There are exceptions. In the Gregorian calendar. February in a leap year has 2. And the year lasts 3. The QDate is. Leap. Year. static method determines whether a year is a leap year. QText. Stream. QDate. QText. Stream outstdout. QListlt int years2. QDate is. Leap. Yearyear. In the example we have a list of years. We check each year if it is a leap year. QListlt int years2. We initialise an list of years. This is C1. 1 construct, therefore, we need. C1. 1. We need to add the CONFIG c1. QMAKECXXFLAGS stdc1. QMAKECXXFLAGS stdc0x to the. QDate is. Leap. Yearyear. We go through the list and determine if the given year is a leap year. The QDate is. Leap. Year returns a boolean true or false. Predefined date formats. Qt. 4 has some built in date formats. The to. String method of a QDate. The default. date format used by Qt. Qt Text. Date. dateformats. QText. Stream. QDate. QText. Stream outstdout. QDate cd QDate current. Date. out lt lt Today is lt lt cd. StringQt Text. Date lt lt endl. Today is lt lt cd. StringQt ISODate lt lt endl. Today is lt lt cd. StringQt System. Locale. Short. Date lt lt endl. Today is lt lt cd. StringQt System. Locale. Long. Date lt lt endl. Today is lt lt cd. StringQt Default. Locale. Short. Date lt lt endl. Today is lt lt cd. StringQt Default. Locale. Long. Date lt lt endl. Today is lt lt cd. StringQt System. Locale. Date lt lt endl. Today is lt lt cd. StringQt Locale. Date lt lt endl. In the example, we show eight different date formats for the current date. Today is lt lt cd. StringQt ISODate lt lt endl. Here we print the current date in the Qt ISODate format, which is an international. Today is Wed Oct 1. Today is 2. 01. 5 1. Today is 1. 01. 41. Today is Wednesday, October 1. Today is 1. 01. 41. Today is Wednesday, October 1. Today is 1. 01. 41. Today is 1. 01. 41. Custom date formats. A date can be represented in a variety of other formats. In Qt. 4 we can create our custom date formats, too. Another version. of the to. String method takes a format string where. For example the d specifier. The dd specifier. The following table. Expression. Outputd. The day as a number without a leading zero 1 to 3. The day as a number with a leading zero 0. The abbreviated localized day name e. Mon to Sun. Uses QDate short. Day. Name. dddd. The long localized day name e. Monday to Sunday. Uses QDate long. Day. Name. MThe month as a number without a leading zero 1 to 1. MMThe month as a number with a leading zero 0. MMMThe abbreviated localized month name e. Jan to Dec. Uses QDate short. Month. Name. MMMMThe long localized month name e. January to December. Uses QDate long. Month. Name. yy. The year as two digit number 0. The year as four digit number. If the year is negative, a minus sign is prepended in addition. Table Date format specifierscustomdateformats. QText. Stream. QDate. QText. Stream outstdout. QDate cd QDate current. Date. out lt lt Today is lt lt cd. Stringyyyy MM dd lt lt endl. Today is lt lt cd. StringyyMdd lt lt endl. Today is lt lt cd. Stringd. M. yyyy lt lt endl. Today is lt lt cd. Stringd MMMM yyyy lt lt endl. We have four custom date formats. Today is lt lt cd. Stringyyyy MM dd lt lt endl. This is the international date format. The parts of the date are separated by. The yyyy is a year having four digits. The MM. is the month as a number with a leading zero 0. And the dd is. the day as a number with a leading zero 0. Today is lt lt cd. StringyyMdd lt lt endl. This is another common date format. The parts are separated by a slash character. The M specifier stands for a month as a number without a leading zero 1 to 1.